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to me that the government is treating concerns with absolute contempt – no real explanation, we’re just telling you that you’re wrong.….Oh, you’re so puerile with your schoolboy
; his name is pronounced why-ner. IE = ee; EI = eye. *rolls eyes*
01.08.2016 3:45Meadow


#108. The way I understand it, the seedings would go Lakers 3, Clippers 4, Memphis 5. Lakers tiebreaker over the Clips mean they win the division and a top 4 seed auatyaticollm. Clippers own the tiebreaker over the Grizz which gives them the higher seed over Memphis. So that sets the order as the Grizz get dropped to 5th b/c there’s a division crown at stake.
01.08.2016 5:07Darvin
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